Let's Make a Change
Producing life-saving pharmaceuticals, repairing defective genes, destroying cancer cells, generating biofuels, cleaning up the environment, and assisting climate change through carbon capture, are examples of the specific applications anticipated in Synthetic Biology and related scientific fields enabled by Nona’s advances.
Research using Nona’s software and other tools will lead to advances and improvement in health and healthcare, energy production and storage, materials manufacture, protection of the environment, and human welfare.
Nona's Promise
Nona’s activities will be developed to accomplish:
Research and development
Research and development of the software, tools and associated documentation in systems that will enable scientists to design and construct a broad range of biological tools, techniques, and scientific understanding
Maintenance and improvement
Ensuring the ongoing upkeep, enhancement, and documentation of software, tools, and related materials for their continual optimization and development.
Availability and accessibility
Ensuring and advancing the availability and accessibility of software, tools, and accompanying documentation, fostering broader public access and unrestricted availability for wider utilization.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee at Nona Research Foundation actively strives to shape an atmosphere where all members of our community intentionally and confidently dismantle systemic racism, discrimination and inequity. We promise to commit to educating ourselves about issues of anti-racism and anti-discrimination and then, actively engage our knowledge and resources to end inequity by educating our colleagues, diversifying our organization and engaging with our communities
Project teams benefit from participation in the Nona network, which includes leaders from a variety of software and scientific communities.
Nona leverages our broad, international network to help build connections that support our projects. Nona creates opportunities for project leaders to connect with one another as a group, both in person and virtually.
Nona projects benefit from elevated visibility as a result of their association with the organization.
We work to highlight all of our projects through various communications and marketing activities. We also find opportunities to showcase our projects with potential and current corporate sponsors.
Nona provides a number of services for projects under the open-source synthetic biology umbrella including financial administration, operational and legal support.
Funded projects are also eligible to use Nona resources and infrastructure to help raise money for the project.
WHO MAINTAINS MY CODE?The Nona online community helps to maintain and extend your software. In addition, Nona has hired staff members to assist in making sure the code is listed appropriately.
WHO "OWNS" MY CODE?Nona does not own your code. The code is governed by whatever open source license you have chosen.
CAN I TAKE MY CODE BACK?Well, you could if you really wanted to… But then you wouldn’t have the huge benefit of having a friendly online community help you make it into something bigger and better.
HOW DO I KNOW MY CODE IS SECURE?Nona uses Amazon Web Services for its infrastructure, with all the security that implies
I DON'T WANT COMAPANIES PROFITING OFF MY HARD WORK! HOW CAN NONA ENSURE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN?The software terms are governed by the license you have chosen. Certain open source licenses restrict such commercialization. Check out the site opensource.org – they have an extensive list of almost all the open source licenses currently in use. We’re sure you can find one that suits your needs.
WHY MAKE MY CODE OPEN SOURCE?Companies like Google and Apple have released their newest software as open source. The open source movement has become the de facto standard. Some even say we live in a “post-open-source” world, that “open source software” has just become “software.” Managing open source has become a bigger issue as a result. But at the end of the day, one thing is still true: We are greater than Me.